What happens when you put an aloe vera plant in a banana?


Who would have thought that you could do this with an aloe vera plant and a banana!

Nowadays, who doesn’t own an Aloe vera plant at home? Not only does it look great, we can do much more with it than you might expect. This quirky and vitamine-rich plant has many health benefits. For example, it is widely used for its medicinal effect. Curious what this plant can neutralize combination with a banana? We’ll tell you!

Health benefits of aloe vera

For a long time, the Aloe vera plant has been used for an infinite number of things. The tropical plant consists of 99 to 99,5% wate. It is a simple plant to grow because it requires only a small little bit of water and grows well in both sun and shade. The majority of the Aloe vera plant consists of about 75 different substances, including various vitamins, minerals, sugars and enzymes.

Medicinal effect

The Egyptians discovered this peculiar plant about 6000 years ago. Aloe vera was mainly used for its medicinal effect, and therefore the Egyptians called it “the plant of immortality.” The plant is especially useful for healing wounds, skin conditions, asthma, epilepsy, diabetes and even as a laxative. Aloe vera magically works wonders on burns and psoriasis.

Aloe vera plant harvesting

Would you wish to use the plant for its medicinal effect? Then it’s important that you simply skills to reap this plant to extract the liquid gel that’s on the within of the leaves. How do you do this? You can read that on the next page!

Aloe vera in banana

The question is in fact , what does a banana need to do with aloe vera? It is actually quite simple; the Aloe vera plant cannot grow new leaves, so it’s important to chop the plant correctly. A banana is that the perfect fruit for growing a replacement Aloe vera plant. Leave the skin round the banana and cut out alittle square within the middle. Insert a bit of the Aloe vera plant and leave it for a minimum of at some point . The banana will turn brown, but once you remove the piece of Aloe vera from the banana, you’ll see that the plant has many new roots! After that, structure a mix of unpolluted sand and garden compost, and plant the new Aloe vera roots during this mixture. In no time, you’ll have grown a totally new Aloe vera plant

Watch the video below for instructions and many more useful tips:

Source: ujjwal mitra